For administrators. The sudo command is preferable to su but often your shell account is not configured to use this command. Typical error message: [name] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported You need to: Configure sudo to allow the wheel group to use sudo. Add the desired accounts to the wheel group. Here's how: Log in as the super user: su - visudo Type: i Uncomment the specified line (see below) Save and quit: [Esc] :wq Uncomment the wheel group line as follows (or paste this in, if it's not in /etc/sudoers) # Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL Then, add the accounts to the group wheel to give them sudo access. gpasswd -a [name] wheel Adding user [name] to group wheel Then, after you've added your account name, exit Try sudo . You must enter your password (not root!) once per session. You're done!
News, notes and resources on open source, Linux, and UNIX computers; By Neil Johnson, Cadent Technologies Corp.