Getting the latest version of NeoVim installed and running correctly on my Pop OS Linux installation turns out to be surprisingly difficult. The PopShop app store installs either a very old version of NeoVim, or an up-to-date version that's sandboxed -- both options don't work with VSCode. I'm using the Debian & Ubuntu derived Pop OS on my IdeaPad 5. This means if I want to install software, I can use apt -- but that will only install software packages that are in the distribution's package repositories. Usually that's not a problem, but sometimes the version of the software I want to install is not as current as I might like. That's exactly the problem I have right now with NeoVim. sudo apt install neovim # version 0.6.1-3 I want to use NeoVim as my editor in VSCode with the excellent VSCode Neovim plugin. But, as of this writing, the plugin requires version 0.9 or greater, so I need to install a more current version -- or even better, the latest ...
News, notes and resources on open source, Linux, and UNIX computers; By Neil Johnson, Cadent Technologies Corp.