son of babbage
June 21, 2005
Goal: Use yum to upgrade spamassassin to the most current version (3.03)
Issue: Spamassassin 2.61 is already installed and yum won't upgrade it.
Solution: Remove existing version and reinstall from the DAG repository.
1. Remove existing version
This step will remove spamassassin, the Plesk spamassassin interface, psa-spamassassin, plus the spamassassin section in each user's .qmail file.
[admin@localhost admin]$ sudo yum remove spamassassin ... I will do the following: [erase: spamassassin 2.61-3.i586] I will erase these to satisfy the dependencies: [deps: psa-spamassassin 7.0.3-fc1.build040611.14.i586] Is this ok [y/N]: y Running test transaction: Test transaction complete, Success! ===> Reading /etc/psa/psa.conf ... Delete spamassassin preferences from .qmail files for mailnames ... Erased: spamassassin 2.61-3.i586 psa-spamassassin 7.0.3-fc1.build040611.14.i586 Transaction(s) Complete2. Install required Perl module: Time::HiRes [admin@localhost admin]$ sudo yum install perl-Time-HiRes 3. Create separate DAG repository configuration file for yum Use vi to create a new configuration file that references only the dag repository. Note: this step assumes that you have already set up and tested the DAG repository (in /etc/yum.conf). [admin@localhost admin]$ sudo vi /etc/dag.yum.conf Add the following text: [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest distroverpkg=fedora-release tolerant=1 exactarch=1 retries=20 [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Fedora Core baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 Save the file: [Esc]:wq 4. Install spamassassin from the DAG repository. Note how we use the -c switch to point to the new configuration file. [admin@localhost admin]$ sudo yum -c /etc/dag.yum.conf install spamassassin ... I will do the following: [install: spamassassin 3.0.3-1.1.fc1.rf.i386] I will install/upgrade these to satisfy the dependencies: [deps: spamassassin-tools 3.0.3-1.1.fc1.rf.i386] [deps: perl-Digest-HMAC 1.01-1.rhfc1.dag.noarch] [deps: perl-Net-DNS 0.48-1.1.fc1.rf.i386] Is this ok [y/N]: y ... Installed: spamassassin 3.0.3-1.1.fc1.rf.i386 Dep Installed: spamassassin-tools 3.0.3-1.1.fc1.rf.i386 perl-Digest-HMAC 1.01-1.rhfc1.dag.noarch perl-Net-DNS 0.48-1.1.fc1.rf.i386 Transaction(s) Complete